Sunday, September 2 was Annie's second birthday. She got the stomach flu.
And she shared. We planned on having a simple family celebration, but the birthday girl didn't even get pie. She actually came down with the bug just before the weekend; Benjamin and I followed on Saturday night, and Jeff fell ill on Sunday night. But all wasn't lost. Annie spent a lovely birthday with her then-healthy Daddy. They took a bike ride downtown, to the park, and out for smoothies. She loved it, and came home thoroughly exhausted and sleeping on Jeff's shoulder. I mustered enough energy to put her in her birthday dress (made by a sweet friend), light a candle on a piece of buttered bread (I'm so embarrassed), and take a couple of pictures (her hair was wet, in case you were wondering).

Annie with her birthday bread
Annie and her new baby in the "vee-da" (or hammock swing)
Annie, Full of GraceTwo years with you leave me
Mystified at the strength of your
Sweet spirit always soaring above me,
Shouting your intentions from the rooftop
And jumping with laughter and liberty into the wind,
An exquisite hullabaloo of wildness echoing in my ears
As I watch you land safe, sound and sleeping in
Your Daddy’s arms again. And again. And again.
Happy Birthday, baby girl.