Monday, July 21, 2008

One Year Later...

Okay, so I haven't exactly "kept up" with the blog. And so much has happened in the last year. Here's a speed update:

Benjamin learned to read, mastered big-boy bike riding in a day, and has two loose teeth. He loves all things battle, corn on the cob, and listening to novels (we're currently working on George MacDonald's The Princess and the Goblin and Laura Ingalls Wilder's Farmer Boy). He's growing his hair to look like an Israelite (Jeff's running buddy is sending him some eco-sweatbands to complete the image). Annie created a language all her own, designed and runs a daily love-torture program for our two Humane-Society-adopted cats (Gussie and Dot), and maintains a regular routine of vee-dawing (swinging on anything swingable). When people ask her name, she says it's Annie Josephine Joe (and it sounds like "Annie-Dopey-Doe"). She loves baby dolls, pretty princesses, and mollas (bananas). Jeff won two 100-milers (Arkansas Traveller 100 and Big Horn 100), discovered his passion for permaculture, and continues to amaze us all with his enthusiasm over running and farming (if he could just combine the two...). We sold our home in Bend and are renting a farm in Terrebonne, Oregon. We have 27 chickens, an overabundance of eggs, and a decent desert garden. Frances (our 14-year-old dog) died, Gussie-the-cat fell out of a tree and broke her jaw, and a skunk claimed the lives of our first 14 chicks in a violent 3-day killing spree. That's it in a nutshell. See you next year. :-)

Benjamin and Daddy Playing Banjo.

A Young Deer in Our Yard.

Annie Doing Her Chores.

2008 Big Horn 100 Champions. Benjamin looks like he just ran 100 miles.

Being Silly at Smith Rock State Park (our backyard).

Oh, Annie!

The Browning Family 2008.

Summertime, and the Living Is Easy (Annie's favorite song).

Serious at Smith Rock.

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